Inicio - Cookie Policy
Cookie Policy
Small data called ‘Cookie’ have been sent to computers, tablets, and mobile phones to analyze the usage of the website, provide proper usage by the purpose of the website, and ensure the security of the website and your legal. You may whether accept the cookies or not depend on your browser’s cookie setting.
As long as you don’t change your cookie settings on your browser, you will accept the usage of cookies on
We declare that we will always process your personal data specified below legally and in accordance with the principle of honesty, by protecting its accuracy and currency, significant, explicit, and legal purposes, in line with the purposes of the processing, in a limited and restrained manner, storing it as required by the relevant legislation or the purposes of the processing.
We use cookies for different purposes. Some cookies are necessary for technical reasons. Some provide a personalized experience for both visitors and registered users. Finally, some allow ads to be shown from chosen third-party webs. Some of these cookies are saved when a page is uploaded or a visitor does a specific operation.
– Mandatory Cookies: These are the cookies that are necessary for the performing of fundamental functions. It contains the necessary information to enable registered users to approve and perform transactions related to their accounts.
– Performance Cookies: Performance cookies help developing the website. With the purpose of improving user experience, it collects information such as how long the website has been used and how. This information is used only to improve the website.
– Tracking Cookies: These are used by trustful third-party webs to help to develop the user experience, to collect information such as the number of unique visitors and page views.
- Advertising Cookies: These cookies are used for the purpose of presenting content and advertisements according to the interests of users and suitable for them (“targeted advertising/promotion” or “behavioral advertising”). By matching the information obtained through cookies with other data belonging to the same person, it offers more suitable content, personalized campaigns, and products to those concerned, and does not offer content or opportunities that were previously stated as undesirable.
– Third-Party Cookies: Various applications and services of third parties can be used to improve the experience of their visitors. As a result of these usages, the cookies may be determined by third parties and can be used by them to watch your online activities. We don’t have direct control over the information collected by these cookies.
You can control the cookies. You may totally or partially erase or block the cookies on your browser or some websites. Thus, you can prevent the registration of the cookies on your device. Should you prefer to delete the cookies, your website preferences will also be deleted. Besides, should you prefer to block the cookies totally, this situation may affect the usage of our website; you may not see some parts of our website or in case there is privileged information for you, you may no longer reach them.
Internet Explorer:
1) Open Desktop and open Internet Explorer.
2) Choose ‘Internet Options’
3) Click the ‘Privacy’ tab, and then, under ‘Settings’ move the slider to the top to block all cookies.
Microsoft Edge:
1) Open Microsoft Edge and then click the ‘…’, then click the ‘Settings’.
2) Click ‘Privacy and Services’.
2) Under clear browser data, select ‘Choose’ what to clear every time you close the browser.
Google Chrome:
1) On your computer, open Chrome.
2) At the top right, click ‘More Settings’.
3) Under ‘Privacy and security’, click ‘Site Settings’.
4) Click ‘Cookies’.
5) Click ‘Block all ‘cookies’.
Mozilla Firefox:
1) Click on the ‘Settings’.
2) Click on the ‘More actions’ button in the top right corner and select ‘Options’.
3) Click ‘Privacy & Security’ on the left sidebar.
4) Under ‘Enhanced Tracking Protection’, select ‘Custom’.
5) In the ‘Cookies’ drop-down list, select ‘All cookies’.
1) Click ‘Preferences’, then click ‘Privacy’.
2) Click ‘Privacy’.
3) Click ‘Block all cookies’.
You can find more information on how to do this in other web browsers at We may make changes and updates as required by needs or law on our Cookie Policy. You may reach us for any questions and views concerning Cookie Policy from [email protected] address.